Sometimes I feel like I’m not doing enough

Not writing enough, not drawing enough, not thinking or reading enough. Not listening to enough new music. Not being critical or analytical or involved enough. Not getting pissed off enough. Not forgiving enough. Not going out of my way enough.

Not thinking about my dog enough. Not listening to my reptilian brain enough. Not resisting temptation enough. Not running enough. Not running anywhere NEAR enough. Not calling my grandpa enough. Not thanking my parents enough. Not Skyping my life partners enough. Not flossing enough. Not doing abs, push-ups or lunges (ever). Not relaxing the muscles in my face enough. Not being awake enough.

This was a point in my life when I felt like I was doing a lot. I was really proud of this project, because before winter term I had never used Final Cut Pro and had only edited on iMovie, and was uncomfortable shooting video with the PD 170s we used. Then the weekend of this project happened, and I felt creative and competent enough.

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