An update on my tenuous future

I have exactly one week to hear back from Newsday and The Los Angeles Times before I step back and force myself to resign from caring.

That doesn’t even mean they will have made their decision in that time. The e-mail from both companies said late January/EARLY February, so technically, in my mind, that means they could wait until the end of the first week in February to let applicants know.

(I’ve analyzed this a bit.)

It’s the LA Times and Newsday — while I subconsciously feel like I know I wasn’t even chosen as a finalist, I’ve kept my conscious mind very optimistic. Why wouldn’t they choose me, pah pah! And why would I ever aim lower — what does that even mean?

If I don’t hear back from either, I’ll give NPR another shot, and apply for OPB’s summer internship. I have to validate myself by filling that hole of time in which I won’t be going to school but may not have many other opportunities. I want to fill every gap with experience and clips. I want my resume to be this beefy, sweaty, heavy piece of fine print business paper that’s so luscious and juicy to behold you’ll want to slip it into a folder and file it in the safest and most convenient of places. Or frame it!

In the meantime, once I have my degree in hand I’ll keep my eye on The Oregonian’s one-year internship in a predatory manner — the second one opens up, I’ll be sliding that thick manila envelope in the mail once again.

One thought on “An update on my tenuous future

  1. Look at yourself now, brimming with anticipation and/or trepidation to jet off and represent the West Coast in the Big Apple.

    This makes me wish I could have seen the reaction in your eyes when you heard from News Day.

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