The war against women

Here’s a staff ed I wrote for today’s Daily Barometer. Might as well share it here, since I feel like it’s worth sharing:

“There’s a new billboard in town, and it’s seriously pissing people off.

OK, so it’s not “in town.” It’s not in Corvallis. Or even on the West Coast.

The flashy billboard, which hangs several stories high, is strategically placed in Manhattan’s Soho neighborhood, half a mile from the nearest Planned Parenthood.

For those who haven’t seen or heard about it, this billboard features an image of a little black girl sporting a pink top and white bow in her hair. Her mouth is turned down slightly, as if somebody has just seriously disappointed her.

And when you read the text on the billboard, you’ll understand why:

“The most dangerous place for an African American is in the womb.”

It’s the latest jab in the right-wing fight against abortion, Planned Parenthood and women’s rights to their own bodies and their privacy – not to mention the fact that it calls out, offends and shames an entire population of women.

For almost a week, newscasts have been smeared with coverage of the new bill passed by the House that would end all federal funding to Planned Parenthood. While a bill like this one will almost definitely stall in the Democrat-heavy Senate, the fact that it’s on the floor at all is completely horrifying.

The plain reasoning would seem to be that most Republicans – and seven House Democrats, apparently – want nothing to do with federal funding of abortion. As we’ve been hearing all week, Planned Parenthood doesn’t receive any tax dollars for its abortion procedures (abortion is legal in every state in the United States, by the way – let’s clear that up). The tax dollars go to contraception, education and gynecological exams, to name a few.

That was just background, though. The current legislative uproar is not the point of this editorial.

The billboard, which was paid for by Life Always (you can probably gather from the name what they’re about), is painful. It is offensive and debasing. This column could end here, because there’s really nothing more to say than that.

In one sentence, it shames and assumes guilt for an entire population of women – historically one of the most vulnerable, underrepresented and stratified groups of women in this country. A few literary examples come to mind: The big red “A” from “The Scarlet Letter,” or “The Crucible.”

Approximately 30 percent of the abortions performed in the United States are performed on black women, and historically they have higher rates of abortion than white women. But nationwide, rates of abortion are decreasing, and pointing fingers at a single ethnic group of women and naming them as terrorists is sordid and unnecessary.

Especially if you’re trying to send a message and not alienate an entire population.”

An update on my tenuous future

I have exactly one week to hear back from Newsday and The Los Angeles Times before I step back and force myself to resign from caring.

That doesn’t even mean they will have made their decision in that time. The e-mail from both companies said late January/EARLY February, so technically, in my mind, that means they could wait until the end of the first week in February to let applicants know.

(I’ve analyzed this a bit.)

It’s the LA Times and Newsday — while I subconsciously feel like I know I wasn’t even chosen as a finalist, I’ve kept my conscious mind very optimistic. Why wouldn’t they choose me, pah pah! And why would I ever aim lower — what does that even mean?

If I don’t hear back from either, I’ll give NPR another shot, and apply for OPB’s summer internship. I have to validate myself by filling that hole of time in which I won’t be going to school but may not have many other opportunities. I want to fill every gap with experience and clips. I want my resume to be this beefy, sweaty, heavy piece of fine print business paper that’s so luscious and juicy to behold you’ll want to slip it into a folder and file it in the safest and most convenient of places. Or frame it!

In the meantime, once I have my degree in hand I’ll keep my eye on The Oregonian’s one-year internship in a predatory manner — the second one opens up, I’ll be sliding that thick manila envelope in the mail once again.

Nice old men still read the paper

I have this bad habit of prefacing my blog posts with some sort of apology about not posting often enough. You should know, dear reader, that I haven’t been posting because I’m shoulders-deep in articles/work for The Oregonian (yessss!), and when I’m not in the newsroom or working on an article I’m either commuting to Corvallis, spending precious few hours sleeping, in class, or riding my horse.

On the topic of my internship at the O, I can’t possibly begin to go into what a surreal and incredible experience it’s been working in that newsroom, among Pulitzer winning reporters and some of the nation’s best writers and journalists. I’m just in awe every day. I don’t feel like I fit in, but that’s a good thing — it keeps me on my toes. I’ve never felt so lucky in my life. I applied for an internship with the O three times. On the third, I got one. For this 11 week period I get to grab casual coffee with reporters whose work I’ve quietly idolized and followed for years. I get to pick the brains of living journalism legends. I can’t say more, because the thought of it makes me completely inarticulate.


I was talking with this old man today. What started as a casual discussion praising Oregon for all that it offers (the mountains! The city! The friendly people! The beach! The generous drivers!) turned into a conversation about the newspaper industry. We started talking about the future — which papers might survive, which won’t, which might have a chance and which deserve to fold altogether anyway. He’s a local Oregonian. He subscribes to a few papers, and he reads them all. He is in his 70s. Smart. Easy smile. Modern in the sense that he’s aware of the changes befitting the industry. Like many people his age, he is a loyal reader and subscriber. He loves the newspaper, but he particularly loves good news — he even used a key descriptor that would perk any journalist’s ears — he loves to read “human interest” stories.

He likes it when newspapers are able to give honest, intelligible answers to political questions and can help the reader sort out the messages of different candidates and the provisions of different measures during election season. He likes when they put the leg work in and read the fine print and then translate it in a way that makes sense to most readers. He says that’s what a newspaper should do. It should assist the community and provide the news — not just the scandals.

What he doesn’t like are superfluous stories about crime, especially petty crimes. We must be hurting for news, he implied, when newspapers are running stories about local celebrities and their unpaid parking tickets. To him, that’s not news. He wants good news, and he knows there is plenty of it out there to report on.

I listened. It was a beautiful Oregon fall day and we were standing outside under the late afternoon sun. I knew there wasn’t much I could do but listen. I’m not an editor, I don’t run a newspaper; I’m not even permanently employed at one. Maybe I never will be. But I also know that his concerns aren’t the ones editors and publishers worry about — they’re focused on what people 50 years his junior want to see in a newspaper, if they’ll bother picking one up at all. That’s what they have to be focused on in order to survive. He knows that, too.

By the time our conversation had died down, the sun was setting. I’m still thinking about what he said, and it’s starting to form into an idea in my head, adding to a cluster of notions of what I think a newspaper should be. It’s kind of a living web of thought that changes and grows with every new internship, article and experience I have in this industry.

There’s no guarantee that I’ll get a job at a newspaper after I graduate, especially in the first six months. I heard a statistic on that somewhere once, but it was depressing so I shut it out of my head and now I don’t remember it. Maybe if time goes by and I really can’t find a job, I’ll start my own idea of what a newspaper should be — online, of course, and attached to all the new media/social media bells and whistles that are must-haves at the time.

You can’t fight city hall.

Oversexed or undersexed, it’s hard to be a female reporter

TV Azteca sports reporter Ines Sainz. Courtesy of

As an English-speaking female who doesn’t watch TV Azteca and knows only the basics about the world of football, the first time I heard of sports reporter Ines Sainz was Monday night, when the story of lewd sexual remarks directed at her by New York Jets players broke on Yahoo! News. (Note: Yahoo! is my mother’s home page, not mine. I was on her computer… don’t judge.)

Little did I know, this bombshell Latina journalist has been a lesser-known gem in the realm of “hot sports reporters” (alongside A-listers Erin Andrews and Rachel Nichols) for some time. She’s a gorgeous, sexy woman, and she has no qualms about flaunting it: Along with her form-fitting and often suggestive outfits, Sainz has been noted in the past for exhibiting matching behavior during interviews, including measuring player’s biceps with a tape measure.

A quick Google search pulls up hundreds of photos of Sainz scantily clad (she’s no stranger to string bikini photo shoots), and at the time of this post, she was the search engine’s 39th most popular image search.

Sainz herself admitted that she was surprised by the way the story blew up. Infuriated women everywhere came forth and clucked their piece — either they were outraged that Sainz had been shown such disrespect and applauded her for being both a professional reporter and simultaneously a real woman, or they lambasted her for exploiting her sexuality in a field where women have worked so hard over the past several decades to be respected as equals.

The only thing anyone can seem to agree on is that no professional should ever have to feel that sort of icky, vulgar discomfort while trying to do their job — and even then, the debate rages on about whether or not reporters should be allowed in locker rooms in the first place.

We can all agree that the comments made by some of the players and staff toward Sainz were out of line and disgusting. The individuals who made those remarks are probably aware by now that those thoughtless, immature moments are the ones that seriously hurt the reputation of their team and of the NFL as a whole.

When news of this unfortunate incident broke, I was reminded of how damn difficult it can be to be taken seriously as a female reporter — especially a young one. These two-day media frenzies over how much cleavage a sports reporter shows just set us back. The facts surrounding leaked nude photos of Erin Andrews were appalling, but the media chaos that enveloped the story was almost as grotesque. But Andrews is a professional; she handled it with grace and dignity, and her career remained unscathed.

This past summer, I was warned by one of my editors (who turned out to be one of the best mentors and smartest people I’ve ever met) that because I was a rookie female reporter (and not even out of college yet), I was going to have to work much harder for people to take me seriously. Initially I shrugged it off. I’d been reporting for more than two years and I felt like my aggressively focused and professional nature forced people to take me seriously.

Of course I was wrong, and I learned that the hard way when an interview subject who didn’t like how the final story turned out sent a letter to the paper, ranting about my immaturity, sexuality and the way I had “obviously flirted” with another one of the people I was interviewing.

As I sat in my editor’s office reading that letter and biting back tears and expletives, I was hit by the occasional glass-ceiling type feeling of “I hate being a woman and life’s not fair.” But my editors supported and backed me completely. “Men are pigs,” one said as he handed me a box of tissues. When I told them what actually happened and that I had felt uncomfortable at the interview, they made me promise to come to them first the next time something like that happened.

As a result, I’ve been warned. I will never again be off my guard. I obviously didn’t do anything close to flirting with that interviewee, but I immediately learned to dial down my sugary-polite-sweetness that sometimes accompanies the nervousness I feel when going to interview someone. But the goal is to concentrate on not letting that change who I am as a person… I personally couldn’t pull off the skin tight outfits and strappy heels that Sainz wears daily as she marches out onto the field with her camera crew in tow (I would fall on my face), and I don’t feel that they’re necessarily appropriate, but I certainly defend the fact that we can be women and also be reporters — cops and courts, science, government, school and yes, sports reporters.

We can be respected and treated fairly, be ourselves, and look good while doing it. Newsrooms and interviews clearly are not the place for provocative behavior, but as women, we shouldn’t hide our identities and try to appear sexless just so we’ll be taken seriously.

In my opinion, Sainz has hurt her credibility, but that has more to do with her antics and outfits than her looks. And while gorgeous women like Erin Andrews are appreciated for their beauty, they are valued for their ratings because they’re professional, hard-working and they know what they’re talking about.

Show and tell, part deux

I like to refer to this as the beginning of my career moonlighting in amateur reporter videos.

The following are videos shot by Capital Press reporters while they were out on field assignments over the past summer. While I interned at the CapPress, I got the opportunity to do a lot of video editing using an extremely primitive version of iMovie — which makes you work MUCH harder, by the way. (As a result, I am by my standards a much buffer editor of amateur video. Or so I like to think.)

All of the footage was taken by real live Capital Press reporters, except for the Tom Vilsack video, which I had the privilege to shoot when he came to Keizer, Ore., for a Rural Development Forum a few weeks ago.

Thanks for watching!

Reporter does show and tell

I have a whole blog post set aside for a time later today when I’m not as heavily drugged and when I feel coherent enough to passionately hash out my feelings about Quran burnings/Sept. 11, 2001/Muslim centers being built near Ground Zero…

But for now, enjoy some of the more visual work I’ve done over the last six months. As a reporter in this new media world (and a student in a major that requires me to take on storytelling in every multimedia platform available), I’ve had to learn how to take and edit photos and video in different projects, as either part of a published work or a school assignment. I fought it at first, rationalizing that I was a writer and reporter and not a photographer, and that photographers and journalists and videographers and the like are not meant to cross paths in their work. Of course, that’s not true. Mostly I was just scared of the technology involved. Nobody likes to be a n00b.

After quite a lot of practice shooting and editing video and photos, I’m still definitely a n00b. It’s something I really enjoy doing and sometimes flatter myself that I’m passable at it — but no, that’s not true. I’m a writer, period. I can DO all the other stuff, and I wish I had an eye for it, but I don’t, even though I’m getting better. So here is a small sample of some of the stuff I worked on for my New Media Visualization class with Todd Kesterson.

I’ll follow this post up later with some quick reporter videos I put together for the Capital Press this summer. Thanks for viewing!

This thing -- which I am told was once a coconut -- sat by my desk at the Barometer for more than two years. One evening I decided to photograph it for a project for my NMC 351 class to prove that I could use the idea of gestalt and take a decent photo.

While doing the same project for NMC 351 that evening (clearly I did it the night before it was due), I was searching around the Baro for inspiration. I found many red items that had a distinct Barometer flare to them. The Stylebook, the wings, and the fire extinguisher case were tied together nicely by copy editor Allie's effortless sass.

More NMC 351 project, but this photo was taken at my house that night at about 2 a.m. I got lucky with the shadows and the color of the wall behind the chair. The flowers and the blanket made it all very cozy.

Same night, same procrastinated project. These are my favorite things and my little elephant trinket looked perfect on its doily in the jewelry box I've had since I was three. It's like a glimpse into an Indian in the Cupboard kind of world.

For this project, we were supposed to demonstrate that we could use light, shadow, color and placement in each photo to evoke a certain emotion or feeling. Here is a very well-lit photo of some adorable, innocent-looking stuffed animals tucked away into bed. And then....!

...BAM. Change the lighting and the shadows and they're creepy, Chucky-like monsters waiting patiently in your bed to go bump in the night! Especially that Ugly doll. He's clearly up to no good.

This chair can always be found around Snell Hall, either propping open a door or sitting in creepy light. I liked the color, and I wanted to prove that I could use the Rule of Thirds... sort of... even though I don't think I quite understood what that meant at the time. I still like the photo. It's Baro-reminiscent.

Post wisdom teeth wisdoms

Ohhh, blogosphere. And Twitterverse. How neglectful I’ve been. I feel like all my rare and randomly-written blog posts include the word neglect in the first line: I’m sorry.

I got my wisdom teeth out today. I’m currently sitting on my little ol’ Dell at my parents’ house in Woodinville with two bags of frozen peas plastered to each side of my face, secured there by four of those long athletic hair bands that girls use to hold their manes back when they’re working out/washing their face. (Side note: When I bought 25 of those bands in assorted textures, designs and colors, I KNEW they would come in handy someday. Five years later…)

In the last few weeks, I’ve been too busy to even get on Facebook much — oh, horror of horrors. After I ended my internship at Capital Press two Wednesdays ago, I immediately started packing my life (which seems to get bigger and require more boxes each year), cleaning up my house, and beginning the process of moving out of my beloved south town and dropping crap into my parents’ garage (time bomb, start ticking). A few really exciting (and extremely cost-effective) opportunities have come my way in the last few months, both of which will put me out of my comfort zone… so I’m going to take them.

I start my fall academic reporting internship with The Oregonian Sept. 27, which basically feels like it’s going to be my final and perhaps most significant opportunity for a launchpad into the world of professional journalism. Big plans and lots of things to do beforehand — still need to talk to my college adviser and the office of financial aid about taking a term off but still taking credits. I still need to get my hair done (my roots are about two inches long right now), nail down the logistics of leaving my lease and having someone else sign in and, oh yeah, find a place to live in Portland.

As far as that goes, I think I’m gonna look for a place close to the MAX that’s farther outside of Portland. A room in a house or a studio would be fine at this point. Anything aside from a cardboard box under Burnside Bridge would be just great at this point. I’m aiming for a place that has good running nearby and a good park where my dog can make happy puppy bathroom time. And as much as I would love to spend a beautiful Oregon autumn downtown in the heart of the Rose City, it’s pretty impossible to find a place to lease for three months, with a dog, in the realm of $500.

Somehow, I’m still not panicking. Somehow. Procrastinating is an art form for me. Deadlines are like my little sidekick. They empower me. That’s probably why I love journalism so much… Bam.

The other opportunity involves a decision my parents and I made to move my show horse out of training for the first time in the three years we’ve owned him and bring him to a barn in Corvallis so that I can ride him and train him myself. Since we bought him in 2007, Carlos was a show horse, through and through. Understanding his talent and potential as a four-year-old at the time, we bought him as an investment. We decided we’d build him up, show him all over the place and get his name out there, then sell him, hopefully for a profit and to a good home, when the time was right.

Then the economy crashed, the nationwide slaughter ban was passed, and people started letting their horses loose on government land or on Indian reservations (halters still on, etc) because they couldn’t even afford to feed them anymore… let alone the idea of trying to sell them in a worsening recession. This made the situation for anyone with a good horse to sell really volatile and virtually impossible.

The horse (Carlos, who by this time had become our horse and more importantly my baby) didn’t sell. We didn’t even market him, because we knew we wouldn’t be able to get a third of what we paid and there would be no guarantee that he would be go to solid owners that wouldn’t turn around and sell him again or let him go to waste. So recently we made the decision to give him a little break from constant showing and take him out to Corvallis for a few months of grass hay, reckless running and straight being a horse.

When I found the place that I decided was perfect for him just outside Corvallis, the barn owner showed me a slightly dingy but charming single apartment in one of the barns with a beautiful screened-in deck that faces out into endless pasture. So if everything works out, after I finish the internship at the O, I’ll spend the rest of the school year living at the barn (WITH my horse, something I’ve wanted my whole life), mucking stalls and feeding horses constantly, and taking on yet another new adventure.

I’m young, still in school, sporadically employed and the only other living thing I’m responsible for currently is my dog. At this point in my life, it’s all about taking chances and forcing myself out of my comfort zone.

Twitter limbo

Wednesday night, I deactivated my Twitter account. By Friday morning, I made a new one.

The decision to deactivate @candiceruud stemmed mostly from a really bad mood. Wednesday always ends up being the worst day of the week, which doesn’t quite make sense, because it’s production day at the Capital Press, so it’s busy and exciting and there are always things that need to be done in a hurry (working under tight deadlines is something I perversely enjoy). For whatever reason, I came home that night in a really antisocial mood and made the swift decision to cut some social media out of my life.

This happens once in a while. I’ve deleted my Facebook a number of times. Given enough stress, occasionally my psyche reaches a dark place where I want to disconnect from everything that keeps me accountable to other human beings and retreat to the woods, where I vow to live with my dog, at peace with the earth, and far away from anyone who could possibly irritate or provoke me.

The idea to delete my old Twitter and start fresh, though, had been cooking in my brain for some time. As a perpetual intern (my fourth internship is coming up this fall) and barely still a college student, I walk a blurry but increasingly thin line between “kid” and “professional.” It’s hard to decide how exactly to use my Twitter. I follow/am followed by my friends, but also people I work or have worked with, including several news and media professionals whom I hope to work with again someday.

From what I’ve observed in the group of people I follow, there are basically two approaches to Twitter. First, there are the diehard news professionals or hopefuls: They only ever post links to news stories and breaking news bits, blogs, editorials, photos, polls, or stuff they found online at Poynter. They post constantly. I don’t know how these people maintain jobs in the news world, because it seems like all they have time to do is read the entire internet and then post links in hopes that other people will find them interesting. These people make excellent use of the @ sign as well as the hash tag. No Twitter territory goes uncovered. They’ve personalized and optimized and socialized their HootSuite or whatever Twitter client they use to the point that it’s more navigable and familiar to them than their own newsrooms.

The other approach is basically an ongoing battle of wits. These small shiny stars in the Twitterverse post short analytical quips about the news of the day (Lindsay Lohan and Mel Gibson are the most obvious easy targets recently), or just random observations about life and whatever it is that they encounter day to day (apparently their phones are never out of reach). They’re usually funny, and it’s a tempting trap, but it’s hard to even begin to post tweets like this because you’re instantly pushed into this competitive world of tweet comedy, which is futile yet surprisingly stressful.

My approach to Twitter has always been trying to highlight funny, or weird, or interesting things that go on in the newsroom. But it’s easy to let that slide into occasional personal stuff — not private, but things that go on in life outside journalism. For instance, I was really excited about finally paying off the credit card I got when the aforementioned dog broke his leg last summer, and I couldn’t resist tweeting about it. And then I thought, who cares?

No one, that’s who.

When I worked at the Barometer and was in school full-time, it was easier. I could tweet about my media-centered major, the ongoing search for internships, blog posts or articles I’d written or interesting projects the paper was working on. Tweeting about life as an editor of the Barometer was pretty much an endless source of material. I felt like that was validated. People like hearing about the inner workings of a newsroom, and I think it was interesting for some of my followers to hear about what goes on at a student-run newspaper with a small, caffeine-addicted staff that’s stretched way too thin and close to becoming homicidal.

Now, however, I feel like I’m in Twitter purgatory. (TwitPurg? Twitturgatory? That’s good… there’ll be an app for that.) I’m done with my time at the Barometer, almost done with school, and I have to watch what I say, how I portray myself, because the next big challenge in my life is landing a job in journalism. I have to constantly consider what I tweet and blog about. I have to look ahead to the fact that prospective employers will Google me and immediately scan my Twitter (it’s one of the first things that comes up), and make instant judgment calls based on what’s on there.

I have to watch myself because I’m not a professional adult yet, but I need to make it understood that I’m ready to behave like one in a professional environment. This sudden, primitive instinct to conduct myself (like my sophisticated, business-savvy-to-the-core mother does) is increasing in vigor the closer I get to needing that career-launching job, pay off my student loans, get on my own two feet and not die poor and hungry in the streets… etc etc.

For now, my new Twitter is confused, occasionally amusing, and sporadically updated. My only hope is that as long as I keep it appropriate and mainly news-centered, prospective employers won’t judge me based on my Twitter wittiness (Twittiness? Twitterwit? TWit? You decide).

First week face off: Reporting vs. copy editing

I’m back from the dead. I’ve been a neglectful blogger… call me a deadbeat.

Quick update on the past few months in the world of amateur journalism: I survived spring term relatively unscathed. I passed all my classes (first time that’s happened in several terms), secured two internships for the next six months (which I was terrified about, I had no luck/new prospects until about a month ago), and kind of started to rearrange my life. I started thinking about the future, and about how a year from now, I’ll be an adult.

I went home to Woodinville last weekend, and while I was showering in my clean, spacious shower that never seems to run out of hot water, I realized that I will probably never live at home again for more than a few weeks at a time. This summer, due to the fact that I was lucky enough to procure a makeshift internship at the Capital Press (a 35,000 circulation agriculture weekly — probably the West’s most prominent ag paper), I’m living in Corvallis and making the 50 minute commute to Salem each morning. Thanks to another stroke of luck and timing, I’ll be interning at The Oregonian as an academic reporting intern during fall term.

The thought that I’ll never live under my parents’ roof for any extended period of time again is terrifying. Maybe there will be a period after I graduate when I won’t be able to find a job and will just move back in, but for some reason I don’t think that will happen, even though I shamelessly want to. I know my parents would welcome me and love me and feed me milk and home-cooked meals, but I’m sure they would want to set up a vague date of when my welcome as a freeloader in their home would officially expire. Until then I would just feel the clock in the back of my brain ticking like a time bomb for every week that I lived as a deadbeat daughter.

All of my roommates and most of my friends graduated last Saturday. The majority of them have plans for even higher levels of education. The ones who don’t have a very solid idea of what they’ll be doing with their time in the next few months, and some already have enviable jobs lined up.

But what does an underdog journalist with a degree in new media communications from OSU do? I could be like a few of my friends and former Barometer editors and apply to the best and brightest grad programs for young reporters across the country. If I were as talented as some of them, I would get picked up by a major publication fresh out of college and at least make some money traveling and freelancing. As far as journalism goes, I know there are more gritty, aggressive young reporters out there. I’ve always been a good writer, and I ask good questions, but that doesn’t necessarily translate to Pulitzer-winning journalistic skills. I am organized, and if nothing else, stubbornly tenacious. That’s what I have.

The reason I began on this blog post was kind of a reflection of what I’ve learned in my first week of working at the Capital Press. So far, the internship has already been incredibly valuable. Last week, since their head copy editor is on vacation, I’ve been helping to fill in on the copy desk. I’ve learned that I’m more detail-oriented than I ever thought I was, and I love doing layout and working on page design, even if it is on Quark — which crashes even more frequently than InDesign. I’ve also figured out that I have a lot to learn… and have kind of realized that reporting is what I ultimately want to do. But regardless, if I get to work in a newsroom, I think I’ll be happy.

I really like copy editing in general, but it’s so much more stressful than reporting, it’s unbelievable. I could never appreciate that fact until this past week. I would like to take this moment to bow down to all the real world copy editors who have to both edit stories and do pagination. You basically wait around for the talented reporting super stars of the paper to get their work done and then scramble like hell to grace a page with their copy. God forbid you should have to cut a few words or change their headline because it won’t fit.

(I should note that none of these writers have that sort of ego at all, but I can see why all the real-world copy editors I’ve ever known are always stressed out and pissed off. The pressure to edit every mistake out of a story and then strategically place it so it fits, pops and makes sense to the reader on the page — and the fear of screwing it up — are hard to get used to.)

It was different doing the job of a copy editor or layout designer at the Barometer… either you edit copy or you lay out pages, and all your pages can jump, so who cares if you can’t fit someone’s whole story that they spent an entire month researching on one page?

Another thing that’s hard for me to swallow about the copy editing role: You’re literally inside all day. Last summer when I interned at the Gazette-Times, there was never a day when I didn’t get to leave the newsroom and either walk or drive to somewhere in Corvallis and interview people — usually outside. I spent a few days at the Benton County fair, da Vinci Days, and any other outdoor festival I felt like covering.

As a copy editor, you don’t get to run around town, drive different places, meet people that you would have never interacted with otherwise and talk about their lives, their work, their passion, or the things they’ve accomplished, often in the face of crippling adversity. You don’t get to visit their homes and look at their pictures or sit in their kitchens and feel them unwind. You don’t get to talk to their kids, or meet their pets, or listen and scribble down notes as they teach you, front to back, about something their entire world revolves around. In copy editing, the human factor just isn’t there. Mind you, the human factor is often a pain in the ass, but it’s the reason most journalists do what they do — because we’re story tellers. We love sharing information, and above all, we love to learn.

In my second week at the CapPress, I’ll still be doing a good amount of page layout and editing, but since the chief copy editor will be back I’ll probably be thrown into writing stories, or getting coffee, or shining shoes, or something. You know, odd jobs. And while waking up at 6:10 every morning has been a relative pain (I’m nocturnal), I think it’ll work out in my advantage in preparation for the day when I …gulp… grow up and have a… um… real job.


2010 ONPA awards at LBCC

The Daily Barometer cleaned up at the ONPA awards today. Congrats to all the other schools for all their hard work! Everyone’s papers and design looked great.

1st Place:

Best Series — Rebecca Johnson

Best Columnist — Grady Garrett

Best Photography — Jeffrey Basinger

Best Spot News Photo — Peter Strong

Best Design — Daily Barometer

Best Graphic — Jeffrey Basinger

Best House Ad — Daily Barometer

Best Website — Daily Barometer

2nd Place:

General Excellence — Daily Barometer

Best Graphic — Jeffrey Basinger

Best Feature — Candice Ruud

Best Sports Photo — Jeffrey Basinger

Best Cartooning — Daniel Hawkins

Honorable Mentions

Best Editorial — Candice Ruud

Best Sports Story — Grady Garrett

Best News Story — Candice Ruud

Best Spot News Photo — Jeffrey Basinger

Best House Ad — Daily Barometer

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